Sunday, February 24, 2008



今天看大选提名,忍不住想要写纳西尔哈欣博士 (Dr Nasir Hashim)。

第一次看到这个人是 1999 年大选,他为那时还是人民党主席的赛胡申阿里博士 (Dr Syed Husin Ali) 站台。那年赛胡申阿里博士在八打灵南区败下阵来,毕竟红牛头对多数人来说象徵芝加哥公牛和乔丹多过马来西亚一个老牌左派政党。那年,掌柜的还是热血青年,还义务帮牛头党派传单。



这一次大选,纳西尔哈欣博士以马来西亚社会主义党主席的身份,用人民公正党的旗帜出战哥打白沙罗 (Kota Damansara),是首邦国会下的一个州议席。

2004 年大选他竞选首邦国会议席大败,首邦算是马来西亚中产阶级占多数的国会之一吧,为什么一个学者,背景干净不会受到青睐?这一次照看也是凶多吉少,但是还是想说如果你是那一区的选民,相信还是有人凭信念参政,给纳西尔哈欣博士一个机会吧。






The piercing cries ..... eclipsing silence
Savouring the breaths of nature
The joy of deliverance
The ray of hope
   To etch the future

Yes, these fragile beings thoroughly blessed
... with pure innocence of universal unity
These heavenly sparks of humanity
Exploding into two ... the polarity of earthly spirits
   Bursting again into thousand contradictions
      .... the very essence of life to be

The expectations of yet to come
Provoke these humble beings
   To harness such lingering earthly energies
      To grow and to glow as one universal family

Searching for the elusive truth ... the lasting dream
Fathoming the uncharted identity called "self"
Glimpsing the future with awed silence
Seeking guidance from placid history

But their solemn guardians
Trapped by intellectual apathy
   Bickering to condition society
Wreck havoc .. for these young ones

Religion of hope shattered by warped religiosity
Democracy moulded .. rationalizing society
Swooping shamelessly to the tune of profitable justice
   To bury development in ever confusing directions

Yet youth rebelled
Braving the uncharted dream
Seeking lessons from demented realities
   Wishing to penetrate this hostile future

Seeking and flirting ... for glory and fame
Compromises upon compromises .. to redefine realities
Is this the language of opportunists ? or
A phrase of mature strategists ? or merely
   Another word for desperate escape artists !!!

But then we are reminded. these spectral hues of contradictions
Are but one of the same .. of contending polar extremes
Penetrating the hidden agenda of political patronage
Laced with oppression, exploitation and manipulations
   Compressing humanity into the bins of historical obscurity
      Clinging desperately to the decaying culture of capitalism

Yet options remain .. the giant step forward
Yet we appeal for compassion and sanity
Yet they declare war on mother nature
To decorate the privileged few
Yet they are troubled by the conscience of youth
Unbending in simplicity .. to forge a better future
So the adults invoke the wisdom of uncertainty
A legacy of passivity
   Merely to subvert humanity and inquiry

But the never ending question continue to reverberate
Of untold stories tormenting anger, misery, humiliation and fear
"Who should bell the cat ?" says the profound ones
   Deliberations upon deliberations upon deliberations
      Whilst the loved ones wallow in poverty, helplessness
         And untimely deaths

Silence stabbed from all sides

Where is the unity that we brag far too long ?
Where is the ideology that we proudly usher harmonize these universal beings ?
Silence ravaged from all fronts

So be it
With you ... without you ... or inspite of you
This struggle rages on ... in ever fiery circles
Transcending time and overshadowing boundaries

Lamentations upon lamentations
Sighing ... What if ! .. If only ! .. Maybe ! .. But then !
Yes .. the dreaded curse caressing infantile minds
Bragging over untruths .. half truths
Upstaging the inquiring minds
To worship wishful thinking
Stumbling graciously into intellectual senility

While grieving over lost youth and pampered scenarios
Deaths abruptly stake their claims
   Whisking away these babbling fools of lost ideals

A moment of silence
Tears dramatized
A call cries out to the dead
"Where have you been all these years?
    I traveled through time .. to seek your wisdom
      Only to see your footsteps leading nowhere
         Why didn't you stand up and say NO !
            When things were bad .. so bad .. so unforgiving ?"

The dead remained silent and the living lost for words

Yes ... mother nature snatched you away
Trying to reconcile your absurd being
   Salvaging the universal essence .. that you led astray

This time when history betrays the struggle
The young ones will pick up the pieces to remould humanity
A grain of idealism
A dash of aggression
   A sprinkle of experience and
      A streak of reflective wisdom
To turn the wheels of change
...growing to the rhythms of universal truth
   .. from the voices of toiling masses
To unite the thousand contradictions
... a blessing from heaven and earth
   ... the very essence of life to be

October 27th. 1997
10 years after Operasi Lalang
(ISA- Detention Without Trial)
作词:罗大佑 作曲:罗大佑 编曲:罗大佑/鲁世杰 演唱:罗大佑


让我拥抱你的身躯 爱人同志

悲欢离合总有不变的结局 啦~
喔~两手牵 不变的脸

让我向你说声抱歉 爱人同志

哦呵 永不后悔
哦呵 永远爱你
天涯海角 海枯石烂 永远爱你

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
